In other news, Jo-Ann's has 50% off of their Easter items right now. Score. I spotted a ceramic piece and immediately thought it was adorable, but had no idea what I would use it for. That's when my brilliant friend had an idea that I ran with.
She said it would be perfect for storing earrings and other jewelry in. Cute, right? At this point I had a flashback to a YHL post where we were introduced to Sherry's little egg holder thingy on her dresser. In the spirit of giving recognition to those who deserve it, the gaudy M was actually my friend's brilliant idea also. She was just on a roll that day. I'm going to keep asking her for her opinion on a daily basis.
So .... here's a little sneak peek of a piece that will be implemented into the closet:
This is the $15 bunk bed ladder that I transformed from "foak" to fabulous.
I luv it! I don't care what anyone says...animal print makes me sooooo happy!