It's Saturday! It's supposed to be the happiest day of the week. Wrong-o. Not only did I wake up to full-force allergies, but our dishwasher, the newest of all of our appliances, seems to be having difficulties. I'm kicking myself because it's the only appliance we have besides our washer and dryer that isn't Samsung. Our flat screen in the living room is even Samsung. This troubled appliance is from the Frigidaire Gallery line. I'm definitely a Samsung girl. I just love the clean lines and the quality. If I wouldn't buy an American-made car, why would I buy an American-made dishwasher? Oh well. Too late now. Our Samsung refrigerator that we've had twice as long and use 24/7 is still pimping right along. I have to say, I'm not surprised. I'll get off my appliance soapbox now.

Oh, and did I mention that my husband dropped his ipad on the kitchen floor last night, you know, on our pergo, which is supposed to be indestructible except for its tendencies to not get along with liquids. Yeah, that baby dented like an eggshell. It's okay though because one, only I know where it is. Two, I already am not in love with the floor in general. You know where this is going, right? After the granite is paid for and installed, I guess my House Fund is going toward the continuation of the tile from the foyer throughout the kitchen and I can't wait. After that, we're installing the same hardwood that's in the rest of the first floor in the living room. Yeah, baby. Can you dig it? I can dig it. Luckily, I have a few boxes of that wood lying around and only need one or two or three ..or four more. Here is a picture of the tile that I'm speaking of. Oh, look at that. One of my thrift store finds just happens to be in this picture! I found this glass jar in a Colorado thrift store for $4. It's more teal in person and that's what I lurve about it.

I don't want to sound like I'm not appreciative of my life. I love the little life we live here. We are blessed beyond belief. I should be thanking God I don't have cancer or another illness like so many people that I keep hearing about. As my sweet husband just reminded me, "Things break, that's just the way it is." At least it's just a dishwasher and just a floor. They may have cost me hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of dollars, but this life is very temporary so why am I so worried about the freaking floor...
Stay safe from that creep Irene.